Commitment to Safety
Safe workplaces ‘simply good business’
Birnie Electric’s safety record, a purposeful commitment to preventing accidents, speaks for itself. The company has always been an industry safety leader, building on the philosophy that creating safe workplaces is simply good business.
Our philosophy is that the well-being of our company and clients is dependent on the health and safety of our workforce. Birnie Electric and its management are committed to ensuring everyone is healthy and safe by providing safe work procedures; training; safety supplies and materials; safety guidance; inspections; injury and incident investigation support; hazard assessments; and risk management. With that in mind, all employees will receive support from the health and safety department so that every employee can develop an awareness of the prevention of personal injury and make safe working conditions a way of life both on and off the job. Teamwork builds our success and a team approach to the safe work practices is the key to our success and the well-being of our employees. No job is to be regarded so urgent that time cannot be taken to do it in a safe manner.
All employees are responsible for the health and safety of their fellow co-workers. Teamwork amongst employees will serve to enhance and strengthen the accountability of each worker to ensure an injury free work environment.
We recognize the three rights of workers and that a safe work environment can be established and sustained only through a united effort by all employees. Everyone’s attitude and cooperation in promoting accident prevention will make our company the best place to work, one where employees share in company growth and success.