Engineering & Electrical Design Services
Here is what you can expect from our licensed electrical design and engineering team. Every building needs power and an electrical design. From the incoming service from the utility, to switches for your lights, receptacle for your computer and the technology to run everything, we will optimize our design and engineering experience and apply it to your electrical design requirements giving you a buildable common sense cost-effective solution.
Where do you start ? Well, once your building plans are complete, it’s time for us. Independently or in conjunction and collaboration with an electrical consultant we will design every electrical requirement for your building planning lighting, equipment, power systems, power distribution, emergency power, fire and life safety systems, electronic components, and voice and data communications infrastructure.
How do we do this? We use our over 50 years of engineering and on the job experience as well as the latest technology and software to come up with the right design, stamped drawings and specifications for you while meeting the most current electrical standards and codes.
So when it comes time to design the electrical for your new commercial, industrial or institutional building, Birnie Electric and our engineering and design team will make your electrical design the envy of the industry, and we will build it for you too, you have our word.